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How can I add new users to the portal?
Updated over 5 months ago

Note: only the users that have an admin role can create other users.

From the vendor portal select User Management > add a user in order to create a new user


Insert the data that is requested and assign the appropriate role. Click confirm to create a new user. A mail for access to the portal and to set a password with be automatically sent to the new user.

In case it’s not possible to access the email address that was set for the account, it is possible to set a predefined password that the user can modify once they are accessed.


Roles and permissions

Admin: user with access to the whole portal. The admin user can create new users, see and download sales reports of all accounts, modify iban codes for payments, process refunds and receive payments from any store.

General: Access to sales data and refunds of the whole account. He/she has the same access of the admin user except for the possibility to modify company data (IBAN etc).

InStore: The instore user can approve payments in store and download reports that are relative to sales from the store to which it is assigned. It is possible to choose whether to enable the possibility to give refunds or not.

In order to modify the role of an existing user you must click on the pencil.

How can I change the role of an existing user?

Again from the 'User Management' section by clicking on the pencil


Permissions: You can enable access to the payment section and authorise refunds to a standard user:

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